Our Inspiration



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Our Inspiration

Padmashri Dr. Madhuri Shah, a nationally and internationally acclaimed educationist, established Hansraj Jivandas College of Education in the year 1969.

Dr.Madhuri Shah as Vice- Chancellor of S.N.D.T University, Bombay (from 1975 to 1981) gave it a new purpose and orientation, as Chairman of U.G.C, New Delhi (1981), democratized universities and elevated the quality of education, and as a scholar contributed remarkably to the field of education and research from the level of primary to university as well as  education for the differently abled. She was awarded with the Padmashri by the Government of India in 1977 in recognition of her exemplary work in the field of education.

Madhuri Shah, a lifelong learner, indefatigable worker, practical and innovative problem solver, precise decision maker, a cheerful and beautiful human being had an illustrious record as a student acquiring the highest of university qualifications in India and abroad and an exemplary and outstanding career. A glimpse of the illustrious achievements of Dr. Madhuri Shah.


Dr. Madhuri Shah was born on 13th December, 1919 at Ranpur, Gujarat, matriculated from Alexandra Girls’ English institute, Bombay and graduated in Mathematics (Honors) from St. Xavier’s College, University of Bombay. She acquired her B.T. Degree in Education from Secondary Teachers’ Training College Bombay and stood first in the M.Ed exams of University of Bombay.

 She has two Ph.D.’s to her credit, first titled ‘Administration and Finance of Education in India’ (1952) from University of Bombay and second, on “Comparative Study of Organization and Administration of Primary Education in London and Bombay” (1954) from Institute of Education, London  on a scholarship awarded by British Council.

She was awarded Smith Mundt Grant and the Fullbright Fellowship by the United States Education Foundation to work as a visiting Research Fellow at Teacher’s College, Columbia University and at Stanford University, U.S.A. (1960)

She has been awarded D.Litt. (Honoris Causa) by Andhra University (1981), Kashmir University (1981), Hindu Benares University 1982) and Patna University (1984).

Few of the Eminent positions held at National and International Level

  • Research and Educational Officer and Education Officer of Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay for 5 years and 14 years respectively.
  • President, Gujarat Research Society, Bombay,
  • International President, World Education Fellowship, London,
  • Chairman, Executive Committee, Nehru Science Centre.
  • Chairman, Committee of Science and Technology for Women,
  • Chairman, High Powered Committee of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India on introducing Futurology in Schools and Colleges.
  • Chairman, Education Committee of the National Association of the Blind, Bombay.
  • Besides the above mentioned, she has been Member of various Executive, Advisory and Management Committees of Universities and Councils of Scientific Research and educational planning of national and international importance, Founder and Member of Committees of eminent schools and colleges of Bombay.

Other Accolades received

  • Presented a silver plaque by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay in 1972 at the hands of the Late Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi in appreciation of her meritorious work in the field of education.
  • Received a Civic Reception by the Mayor of Bombay and Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay in 1977 for laudable contribution at all levels of education, from Primary to University and in the field of education to the disabled.

Representing India at International Conferences and Seminars globally (Listing just a few)

  • Nominated by the Government of India to visit the United Kingdom, United States, Japan and Malaysia to study innovative programmes in Science and Mathematics sponsored by the National Science Foundation, USA. (1970)
  • Represented India at the Inter- Governmental Conference on Environmental Education organised by UNESCO in Tiblisi, Georgia in 1972.
  • Represented India in International Seminar on Women’s Education, Training and Employment, Tokyo organised by UNESCO. (1980)
  • Invited by German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn Germany to visit Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning and for discussion of future academic exchanges between the two countries. (1981)   
  • Invited by Education Ministry of Hungary and German Democratic Republic to visit their institutions of Higher learning and discuss collaborative programmes between India and the two countries in the field of Higher and Technical Education. (1983)

Delivered keynote addresses

  • ‘Schools and Schooling for What’ at International Education Conference organised by Japan Foundation, Japan. (1973)
  • ‘Education for Peace and International Understanding-Developed and Developing Countries” at the International Conference of World Education Fellowship at Seoul, South Korea in 1982.
  • ‘Arts and Education’ at the International Conference of World Education Fellowship, Utrecht, Holland. (1984)

Founding of Vocational Counselling Unit in Gujarat Research Society

In 1952 attended a special course in Drama, Psychometry, Educational Testing and Vocational and Educational Counselling which led to her founding the Educational and Vocational Counselling Unit in Gujarat Research Society, Bombay.   

Research Papers and books published

  • Besides she also has been Editor of ‘Indian Journal of Educational Research’, and has 200 titles of books in her name covering subject areas such as Educational Administration, Education and Finance, Psychology, Educational Measurement, Testing and Evaluation, Mathematics, Language Learning, Continuing Education, Innovative Learning Materials in Mathematics, Science and Languages.