Ph.D. Research Center

Ph.D. Research Center

The college has a recognized Ph.D. Research Centre. 

Eligibility and Admission: As per the norms of the University of Mumbai. For further details please refer to following link : M.Phil – Ph.D VCD 947

Intake: 16 + 2 JRF 

List of Students Presently Persuing Ph. D 

 Ph. D Application Form 

Successful Candidates: The HJCE Research Centre has successfully produced  54 Ph.D. holders.

Ph.D. Guides

  • Dr. Anita Swami, Principal,  H. J. College of Education
  • Dr. Karuna Sinha, Professor, H. J. College of Education
  • Dr. Usha Borkar, Professor, H. J. College of Education
  • Dr. Shrima Banerjee, Associate Professor, H. J. College of Education
  • Dr. Vaishali Sawant, Professor, H. J. College of Education

Facilities Provided

  • Separate Research Room
  • Computers with internet 
  • Wifi facility 
  • Psychology Tests and Tools
  • Books on Research
  • Periodicals
  • E-Resources of NLIST database of INFLIBNET
  • Ph. D. Thesis
  • M.Ed Dissertations
  • Research Projects of the HJCE Faculty
  • Bound and Back Volumes of Journals
  • Photocopy