Women Cell

Women Cell

     “There isn’t a single country in the world-not one-where men and women enjoy completely equal opportunity… that is why we must change attitudes and policies. The aim must be to give each and every human being greater freedom to make choices about their own lives….”   Gro Harlem Brundtland      

           Women Education encompasses areas like gender equality, access to education, alleviation of poverty and secular education. Considering the importance of women education, H. J. College of Education has established  the Women Development Cell. The activities conducted under this cell are as follows:

  1. Self-Defence workshopWomem cell
  2.  International Women’s Day celebration  by conducting activities like competitions around women related themes, rallies and  street plays in the neighborhood to create awareness of women related issues in the community.
  3. Expert talk on women related issues like cyber security, laws empowering women, women’s safety, health, nutrition and general wellbeing.
  4. State and National Level Seminars on Women Empowerment 

1. Prof. (Dr.) Geeta Shetty, Principal Chairperson
2. Prof. (Dr.) Vaishali Sawant Member
3. Dr. Shrima Banerjee, Associate Professor Member
4. Dr. Archana Katgeri, Associate Professor Member
5. Mrs. Aditi Nerurkar, Head Clerk Member
6. Mr. Vinayak Ghanekar, Library Attendant Member
7. One Male Student – Yearly Student Member
8. One Female Student –Yearly Student Member